Kids spend a lot of time online, and their cognitive and physical limitations present many challenges to them when they do so. Pair that with poorly designed content and dark patterns, and you have a bad mix. As designers on the web, we have a responsibility to create things that empower kids and make them […]
A relaxing exploratory game in a mind-blowing audio-visual world. Get involved in this special tale, choose quick adventures if you want to rush through, or take your time and explore a world of sound & design. Discover a new world where there’s a lot to see and even more to hear. Help Poco Eco, the curious […]
While you always have the option to use the WordPress Subversion repository, there may be instances where you prefer to host a plugin yourself. Perhaps you are offering your users a premium plugin. Maybe you need a way to keep your client’s code in sync across multiple sites. It could simply be that you […]
If you’ve worked with WordPress for a while, you may have tried your hand at writing a plugin. Many developers will start creating plugins to enhance a custom theme or to modularize their code. Eventually, though, you may want to distribute your plugin to a wider audience, another line of text here.